Conducting A Phone Number Reverse Lookup

September 11th, 2008 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

Cell phone records are frequently in demand lately, and for a number of reasons. Most commonly, others want to investigate (Phone Number Reverse Lookup) an unfamiliar number to find out more about the caller. Cell phone records are key? Internet and chat activity reveal the extent of strands of relationships. Cell phone records are interesting at this point.

Cell phone records are not the only things at stake. Mailing addresses and Social Security numbers can also be obtained from some online providers.

Cell phone records are not just your name address and telephone number, which after all, are public knowledge unless you pay extra to the phone company for an unlisted number. Cell phone records can be looked up, by number, to find out whom you are calling. Cell phone records are private. These records are not (and haven’t been for quite a while) legally accessible. Cell phone records are kept fairly private, but their are registries to help you track down mobile and cellular phone numbers. Try the Registry of Cellular Numbers for a reverse cell phone lookup and you might just land upon that number you are looking for.

Cell phone records are kept by telephone companies, which must keep that information private. So how are the data brokers getting a hold of it?

Cell phone records are not the only things at stake. Mailing addresses and Social Security numbers can also be obtained from some online providers. Cell phone records are used a lot of times to find out if a spouse is cheating. There are a couple of things involved in finding out if a spouse is cheating.

Callers still have to trust that the anonymizer will delete the records. But callers can also put another proxy at their endpoint, connecting to yet another endpoint somewhere else. Call your company’s customer service number and ask them to assign a password to your account, and specifically tell them not to allow any access to your account without it. Call records can be used in lawsuits, divorces and corporate inquiries. The new law allows police, but not private investigators, access to the information.

Call up phone company employees pretending to be another phone company employee in a “Special Needs Office” pretending to be representing voice handicapped customers and simply ask for their cell phone records. Bingo, nobody wants to deny “Special Needs” customers their right to their records – so just give them up, without checking any further!

Information on customer validation can be easily accessed by CSRs at any time. Fido also provided documentation on confidentiality policies to which employees must adhere. Information brokers sell phone records and offered cell phone tracking through a variety of web sites sometimes for just over $100, before the sites were closed down. The practice was rampant until recent reverse phone listings publicity shone light on this dirty little secret industry and it mostly went underground.

Help On Getting A Used Cell Phone

September 11th, 2008 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

If you wish to own a cell phone but your budget won’t permit you to do so, you can always opt to find used cell phones for sale. The point to think about here is: where can you get one? It’s quite rewarding to know that you can get high quality pre owned cell phones both from local second hand stores or over the internet.

The primary appeal of buying second hand or previously owned phones is that it’s cost saving. Predict used cell phones to be cheaper by almost 50 percent compared to a new one.

Bear in mind that small decisions can spell a whole world of difference in our daily lives. The simple act of buying something as plain as used cell phones can make for a big impact on the environment.

As you may already know,millions of cellular phones end up in landfills annually. Choosing to buy a pre-owned unit suggests making a small yet important contribution in saving the earth’s landfills from being filled with too much garbage.

Another issue why you should simply go for a used cell phone rather than new one is that you will save yourself the worry of getting mugged because a pre owned phone is not a hot thing in the eyes of thieves.

There are a lot of grounds why you should not turn down a second-hand phone. Despite the fact that the world of technology is changing every second, this is not an excuse to give used cell phones a condescending glance.

Any used 8GB iPhone you find on the market can still function efficiently. The important thing is that the units are still able to offer you the features you need in a mobile phone without costing an arm and a leg.

Sellers of used cell phones are easily found in online shops like ebay. As a warning it is best to inspect the item thoroughly. Ask the seller if she can give you pictures or video of the phone so you can check up on the unit well.

Benefits To Buying An Unlocked Used Cell Phone

September 11th, 2008 | Posted in Cell Phone Reviews   Add Comment

When a cell phone is purchased from a wireless carrier, the phone is invariably locked to that particular network. This means that if you wish to switch to another wireless network you cannot take your phone with you, no matter how much you paid for it, unless you get the phone unlocked. The better option, with less hassle, is to purchase something like an unlocked used cell phone or refurbished treo ahead of time.

There are several benefits to buying an unlocked refurbished treo from a third party vendor ; that is, a phone not purchased directly from your carrier.

1. You will not be locked into a contract with your chosen carrier. The phones that are offered by carriers are sold to consumers at deep discounts; however, to take advantage of the free or deeply discounted cell phones you are forced to agree to a two year contract. If you opt to switch to another carrier before your contract is up you will be charged a heavy early termination fees, anywhere from $250 to $500. When you bring your own phone to the carrier you can simply select the plan you want, activate your SIM card with your unlocked refurbished treo, and you’re good to go.

2. When you shop for an unlocked cell phone you have the option to pick any phone you want, with all of the features you are looking for in a phone. The line-up offered by the carriers is often limited to around thirty phones. There is nothing wrong with the phones offered by the carriers; however, they may not be the exact phone with all of the features you are looking for. Picking an unlocked cell phone from another source will open you up to a much larger selection such as used blackberry. Be sure that all of the features on the phone you select will operate with your selected carrier.

3. Not only will your unlocked phone be one you can take with you to another domestic carrier, but should you travel overseas you will be able to take it with you; simply pop your new prepaid SIM card into your phone. Doing this will save you a small fortune in international roaming charges, and save you from having to purchase a new phone while in your temporary location.

4. Should you opt to later upgrade to a new phone you will find that you’ll have more luck selling an unlocked phone , simply for the fact that it is unlocked. There is a great demand for used unlocked cell phones that are in good working condition.

The benefits to owning an unlocked cell phone are many. Next time you are in the market for a new phone, I strongly urge you to consider going the unlocked phone route to save yourself some troubles in the long run.

The Cell Phone Grows Again

September 5th, 2008 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

Technology has a great way of wanting to make everything smaller and lighter and the cell phone has gone through many many reincarnations in its life time.

Originally called the brick (for obvious reasons at the time) you literally had to be a body builder to carry one around, but technology came to the rescue and gradually shrunk this monster down, and down , and down some more till the buzz of the street was look at the size of this one,

Trouble was whilst this was pleasing to one part of society, the younger generation, us slightly older people often need to wear glasses as the lens in our eyes age. But only for reading and close up work.

So as the phones got smaller and smaller you started seeing older adults holding their phones at arms length so they could either read the screen or read the numbers and if you ever wondered what they were doing now you know.

Things got so bad that companies started designing cell phones with big buttons just so the boomers could use the things.

But …. Technology to the rescue once again (even if unwittingly) and now it’s cool to have touch screens and internet on your phone, but in reality the screen sizes were too small so almost at a pace that is inperceptible cell phones have gone back up in size and now all is well with the world once more.

How To Activate A Used Blackberry

September 3rd, 2008 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

The average cell phone user upgrades to a newer model every 1.5 years. Buying a used cell phone can benefit those looking for the latest and greatest in a cell phone. Technology in cell phones rarely changes that dramatically within the span of a year, so buying a used blackberry is a great option to save a few dollars while still getting the phone with all of the features you’re looking for.

Before buying a used phone, be very sure that the phone you are buying is one that is compatible with the network you are currently using. In North America there are two different types of technology employed by the major wireless carriers: GSM and CDMA.

Phones that are on GSM networks have a small removable card, known as a SIM card, inside. Phones that are on CDMA networks do not have the removable SIM cards. A GSM phone cannot be used on a CDMA network, and vice versa.

Before purchasing a refurbished blackberry cell phone from a source other than your wireless provider, check what technology the phone is using.

Additionally, if you are buying a used GSM phone be sure that it is not locked to another GSM network; the refurbished blackberry cell phone you buy either needs to be locked to your existing network or it needs to be an unlocked unit.

Activating your phone on your network is a very simple process!

GSM Network
If you have purchased a used cell phone from your wireless provider chances are they will take care of the activation for you by removing the SIM card from your previous phone and placing it in the newer cell phone, or simply by activating a brand new SIM for the new phone.

If you have purchased your used cell phone from another source, and it is not locked to another wireless provider, activating your phone is as simple as removing the SIM card from your former phone and placing it in your newly purchased phone. If you do not yet have a SIM card for your phone you’ll need to either visit a mobile provider’s store or call them and request a new SIM card.

CDMA Network
Phones that are on a CDMA network are identifiable by the phone’s ESN number. The ESN number is a unique identifying number for your phone. The number can typically be located on the phone under the battery. Before calling or visiting your provider, make sure you have your phone’s ESN number. Your account with them will be linked directly to your phone using that unique identifying number. A quick call or visit to a store location is all you need to get your phone activated with your network.

Once your phone has been activated with your wireless provider’s network you should be able to use it without any issues or concerns.