Trying to save some money on your next cell phone purchase? If you’re looking at purchasing used cell phones, you’ve made a wise choice. However, there are some things that you need to be aware of as this kind of purchase requires a bit more effort than simply heading down to your service provider’s local store. Some used cell phones will be in poor condition or may lack some features that you want. Additionally, some used phones are locked to a particular network, which can be troublesome if/when you switch providers down the road. However, if you have an idea of what to look for while searching for a used cell phone, you can get the phone you want/need and save some money at the same time.
Figure out what Model is Best for You
There are literally thousands of different models of cell phones out there. Trying to sort through the wide selection can be difficult. So, one of the first things you need to do is to determine what model or type of phone you want/need. If you want a phone with internet and email capabilities, look at used cell phones like the Blackberry. If you’re a big texter, perhaps a phone with a full keyboard will be ideal.
You also need to make sure that you don’t limit yourself to one particular model. While you may think that only one model of phone has everything that you need, chances are you are wrong. Additionally, some phones can only be used on particular networks (e.g. the iPhone) or have major flaws in their design, so it is important to keep your options open and instead target a type or style of phone that has the most important features that you want.
Research Your Network
It would be so much easier if every phone was capable of working on every network, but this is not the case. Cellular service providers use proprietary technology to keep customers locked to their service. This is troublesome if you find a great deal on a phone that you want and purchase it, only to find out that the phone is locked to a different network’s technology. To use the phone, you’d have to cancel your contract with your current provider, which generally costs around $250. After paying that, chances are the “great deal” on the phone won’t be much of a deal at all.
Alternatively, you can buy an unlocked phone, which means that the software or technology within the phone has been altered to allow the phone to work on multiple networks that use the same basic technology. However, keep in mind that this is still not going to solve every problem as there are a few “basic” types of networks out there and phones can only work on the network that supports the same basic platform. If you look at used cell phones, make sure that they are unlocked to work on the type of network that your provider, or the provider you plan to switch to, uses.
Get the Facts, Jack
Learn all that you can about a phone before buying it. Get as much information about the phone’s that you can and learn about its functionality. Check for defects that may impair performance and look for signs of abuse (beyond the normal wear and tear like scratches). Also, it is recommended that you find a seller that will offer a warranty on the phone in case you get it and realize that it doesn’t work or that your network doesn’t support it. Typically, 30 days is plenty of time to find any issues with the phone that would warrant returning it.
By following this advice, you can save a great deal of money and get the phone that you want. If you’re one of the many that always likes to have the latest and greatest cell phone technology, used cell phones provide a way to constantly upgrade at a fraction of the cost – perfect for all the early adopters out there!