Recycling Nokia Mobile Phones is a Big Business in the United Kingdom

April 15th, 2010 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

Have you ever considered recycling Nokia mobile phones to help protect our planet as well as for some extra money?

Technical innovation and high build quality have become synonymous with Nokia mobile phones. The best part about their phones is that they are easy to use and last longer than the other phones. It is definitely no suprise that people replace their current phones with the latest Nokia mobile phones as soon as they come out.

Although this seems like good news for the mobile phone industry, have you ever thought about all the old phones and what will become of them? Perhaps in a drawer somewhere or dumped on a public waste site? Any old phones that end up in one of the aforementioned places could cause us serious harm. Your old phone will end up on a public waste site, causing damage to our water and land, if you throw it out with your daily rubbish.

If you wish to earn some extra cash by recycling Nokia mobile phones , be sure to look at all the online recyclers for the best deals. Once you have found the best offer you will need to provide the company with further details about the phone and yourself.

Within a few days you will get a free post jiffy bag from them that you can use to send in your phone. You should get paid by them within within a few days after sending in your phone, provided that it was in good working order when they received it.

If your phone is damaged or even broken, many recyclers will still offer you a fair amount for it, although this will be lower than if it was in working order. However you look at it, it’s still more than you’ll get if you choose to toss it out. Many Nokia dealers and stores now encourage people into recycling Nokia mobile phones. Most of these companies will repair and resell these old phones if they are still in good working order. Otherwise they’ll be broken down and the spare parts sold on to repair shops whilst all the small quantities of precious metals will be salvaged and recycled.

Before choosing who to use for recycling Nokia mobile phones , you should ensure that you have searched all the mobile recycling companies’ websites for the best offer. There are also many online mobile phone recycling comparison tools, that will help you find the best price for your old mobile. Take a look at these results, decide the best available option, and then send your Nokia phone to them for money!

Mobile Phone Recycling – There’s Easy Cash to be Made!

April 12th, 2010 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

Do you want to learn more about mobile phone recycling? If you responded yes to the above then this article may be of interest to you.

There are approximately 50 million mobile phone subscribers in the UK alone! Most of these users tend to upgrade their mobile phones or purchase a newer model every 12 months, on average. The biggest problem is that the amount of old phones getting thrown out or ending up in storage somewhere is much the same as the number of new phones being bought. What people really don’t realise is that without mobile phone recycling, the toxic metals from these phones will seep into the water and soil; potentially causing damage to our eco-system.

Dangerous Substances in your phone!

Our phones all contain chemicals, heavy metals and lots of other substances that, if spilled, would be very dangerous for our environment. Some of the bad metals found inside our phones include: beryllium, cadmium, lead, and flame-retardants. These dangerous elements are thought to cause ailments in both children and adults ranging from lung disease to tumours, liver damage and decreased immunity as well as brain related disorders.

Ways to Recycle your Old Mobile Phone

You can recycle your mobile in a number of ways depending on your preferences and schedule. The following list presents the ways in which you can recycle your old mobile phone:

* Often your mobile network will recycle your old phone when you upgrade or purchase a new one.
* Help the under privileged or the ill by handing your old phone to the local charity shop to resell.
* There are lots of places such as eBay that you can sell your phone for cash on.
* Your last, and possibly best option, is to sell your old phone to one of the many online mobile phone recycling companies. These sites can get you more than £200 per phone – for the right phones.

Why you Should Choose a Mobile Phone Recycling Company:

* These companies will often give you some money for your damaged and broken phones too.
* You don’t need to send it all the accessories, just the phone and the battery will do.
* Once the phone is accepted, you will get paid within the following seven days.
* Your old phone will be recycled properly, preventing it from damaging our environment.

Some would say you would be better served to sell your phone yourself and keep more of the profit. While this may sound like a viable option, you must remember that there are no guarantees of a sale.

One cannot think of many better ways to get rid of old phones than mobile phone recycling as no other option allows you to help protect the earth and earn money at the same time.

You should compare the prices amongst all the mobile phone recycling companies before you choose which one to sell your phone to.

Why not gather all your old phones and compare prices to find the best deal and make some extra cash by doing so right away!

Shop Around for the Best Price Before Recycling Nokia Mobile Phones

April 11th, 2010 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

Do you know that you can get paid cash for recycling Nokia mobile Phones and help protect the environment too?

It would be rather difficult to spot a person without a mobile phone in today’s world. Technological advancements in the mobile phone industry have allowed for more and more new phone models being released daily. Take a look around, you must have a few old mobile phones stashed away.

In truth, that coveted mobile phone of yours will be replaced sooner rather than later by a newer more functional one. There are millions of people worldwide replacing their old mobile phones everyday thereby causing a massive surplus of unused phones which is incredibly worrying. It’s no secret that Nokia Mobile phone purchases have continued to rise at an astronomical rate. Due to such increases the best thing you could do to help curb this problem is find a company that will recycle your old mobile. 90% of these companies will give you money for sending them your old phone. Make sure that you sell your old Nokia to a mobile recycling company that is actively recycling Nokia mobile Phones at a decent price.

Nokia is one of the leading manufacturers of mobile phones in the world. Despite increased competition by rival mobile phone manufacturers over the past few years and due to strong public demand, old Nokia phones are still selling for more than many of their competitors. One of the reasons they are so popular is the variety of mobile phones they offer, there is something for just about everyone.

Nokia’s Pledge to the Environment

Nokia is very conscious of the impact their products have on the environment and are therefore incredibly concerned about cleaning their carbon footprint. Roughly, 44% of all people that have mobile phones also have their old ones stashed away somewhere. This issue can be overcome in a far simpler manner by seeing what Nokia offer their customers when recycling Nokia mobile phones.

Replace your Old Phone

Whenever you buy a new Nokia phone you can recycle as many as four old phones with them and best of all, they need not be Nokia branded phones either! In return, you will receive money for recyling your old mobile phones with them. Alternatively, you could visit the recycling companies’ sites to see what they will offer you or find out what all the companies are offering in one simple place by using a mobile phone recycling comparison site. Wow, that is a really sweet opportunity to make some extra cash!

Bottom Line

recycling Nokia mobile Phones, or any phone for that matter, will not only provide you with a bit of cash but it is also the right thing to do to help reduce carbon emissions from destroying our planet. Let’s leave our children with a planet that is in better not worse shape than how we found it!

Find the best offer for your old mobile phone by looking through some of the many mobile recycling sites online. Search for the most attractive offer and do your bit to help save our precious planet right away!

Earn Cash by Using Mobile Phone Recycling Companies

April 10th, 2010 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

Are you interested in mobile phone recycling? Many people still have there old mobile phones packed away, eventhough they haven’t used them in many years. Everyday, more people either buy new phones or upgrade them for better, more advanced versions. What they don’t realise, at the time, is that they will never use their old mobiles again.

Thankfully, there is a solution; many companies that specialise in mobile phone recycling have recently sprouted up online who will even pay you cash for your old phone. Who wouldn’t rather have some extra cash than a box full of old mobile phones?

The Need to Recycle your Old Mobile Phone

There are many reasons, other than money, to encourage mobile phone recycling. New mobile phone sales have increased astronomically over the last 10 years with billions of people either buying or upgrading their old ones for newer models.

When an individual gets a new mobile phone they end up either hoarding or discarding their old ones. Imagine how many old phones are either stored away in homes across the UK or even worse occupying public landfills. Obviously neither of these options are satisfactory considering the fact that you can earn some money from them.

The Best Place to Sell your Old Mobile Phone

The newer your phone the more money a mobile phone recycler will pay you for it. Generally, mobile phone recycling companies will usually sell your old phones to emerging markets or recycle them for their parts to repair others.

Some may think that it’s better to sell your old phone yourself and get more cash for it. While this may sound like a viable option, you must remember that there are no guarantees of a sale.

What Company to use to Recycle

You will find there are many sites online that offer cash for old mobile phones. Whilst most online recyclers will pay you for your old mobile phone, some present you with a vouceher option for a partner company or sometimes even the option of both. Before you begin comparing all the potential offers, you may want to consider your requirements.

If you need something from one of the voucher offerings then a site that will pay you in vouchers might be best for you, especially as voucher values are usually higher than cash. Should you not need to buy from one of these retailers then it’s probably a better idea to look for the company that will give you the most money for your old mobile phone.

What to do to Recycle your Old Mobile Phone

Once you have found the right offer you will be required to complete an online form, describing the condition of the phone as well as some personal information. Most companies will then send you post free packaging in which you can use to send your mobile phone to them. One important thing to consider is that there is no insurance on your phone unless you purchase ‘sign for’ delivery and they will not be liable for it should anything happen.

You should receive a cheque, voucher or both shortly thereafter. When they receive your phone it best be in the condition you reported online, otherwise they may make you a lower offer for it. Be sure when you get your phone ready to ship that you charge it completely, remove any pin or security codes and power the unit down.

Mobile phone recycling is a good way to get something back from your old mobile, especially if you have a few of them. Not only will it help you to free up some space but you will also be able to enjoy a bit of extra cash too!

This is how you Will Find the Best Offers that Pay the Most Cash for Old Mobiles!

April 9th, 2010 | Posted in Cell Phones   Add Comment

Are you like many people in the UK with a drawer full of old mobile phones? Many companies will pay cash for old mobiles, especially if they still work. Do you want to get paid for your old mobiles?

Companies Make Lots of Money from Recycling.

Most mobile phones are in use for a year and a half or less. Therefore up to 130 billion mobiles are being hoarded or discarded every 18 months – most of which still work fine! Wow! That’s a lot of potential money laying around or on landfills to be neglected – especially seeing as so many individuals would buy them as used or refurbished once they’ve been cleaned up.

An old mobile phone can pollute both water and earth and seriously harm our environment, therefore you should never throw your old phones away. The metals and chemicals used to make a mobile could very easily find their way to your stomach through the water supply and potentially cause a lot of serious maladies.

Lots of companies began to see that they could make big profits through giving people cash for old mobiles and then selling them on to others. It’s a good way for these companies to make some money by recycling or reselling your old phone as well as a chance for you to get something back for it. In addition, both the companies and the consumer get to feel great about keeping harmful substances out of the landfills and potentially the water supply. What fantastic news for all parties concerned!

What Happens to my Old Phone?

Now that your cheque arrived in the post and you have got your cash for your old mobile phone, you might wish to know what that company is going to do with it? If your phone is in working order it will most likely be sold on once checked and refurbished.

Damaged phones as well as the much older models are normally opened up and stripped for spare parts. Inside of every mobile phone, there are miniscule amounts of precious materials that can be recycled for profit. Of course, if your phone is not in working order, you should not expect much cash it, but you can feel good about helping the environment and keeping it out of the nearest landfill.

How Much can you Earn from your Old Phones?

Ask yourself again, do you have a few old mobiles just lying around? If so, there is a good chance that you could make a fair amout of cash for your old mobiles .Recycling your old mobile is simple and can be done within a few minutes!

You should visit one of the many online recyclers that will give cash for old mobiles just to see how much they’d pay you for your old mobile. As long as your old phone was not too old and that it was in good, working order you should be expecting a decent cheque to arrive soon. Each site will vary a bit on what they offer so shop around until you find the best offer for your old mobile. So what is stopping you? We could all do with a bit of extra cash these days!